Sunday, June 15, 2008

Useful Sites for Mobile Shopping

Some new ways to shop while you are move. I found barcle as a simple and usable mobile shop front.
  • Smarter SMS (Sms the product description to 610-7627837 and get the lowest price online)
  • Frucall (Sms the barcode to 37811 to get the lower prices available)
Source: Mobile Weblog

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Manuel Castells talks about Internet and Society

excepts from his speech
- history shows that "people use technology that fits into what they are" – that people use technology to accommodate their lives, their needs, their interests, etc.
- He blames ideology, futurology, and media sensationalism for misperceptions of the Internet – in practice and social uses
- digital divide – the gap between those with access to technology and those without – and the three forms in which it exists: access, broadband and being in the Internet. "Once you're in, educational and cultural resources become amplified," he explains. "When introduced in the classroom environment, learning is accelerated, while children who are culturally deprived don't have the educational resources, so there is a disconnect."
- people would not change their lives to use the Internet. Rather, they would include it for work, study, social needs, shopping, music, etc. Those under the age of 30 were found to be multi-taskers – juggling Internet use with activities such as cell phone use, music, and television.
- "The more you use the Internet, the more social you are offline. The Internet adds, rather than subtracts, sociability."
Internet "is" society. "To understand how to develop new (technology), we have to understand society," he says. "Users 'are' the producers of the technology." His recommendation is making the engineering and design process as open as possible "for free." "This will change the world. People will absorb technology for themselves, in a more autonomous society."


Courtesy: Yahoo Research.