Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wait is over now – Android phones are coming!!

With android phones waiting to come to market, Google marks the next mobile internet revolution. The G1 doesn’t hit UK stores until November. It will take some more time more to reach India.
Android, the mobile OS of the android phones is open source. This could potentially make Android a more innovative operating system than that used on the Apple iPhone, because the only limit to its potential is the imagination of those developers writing software for the platform.
The pricing of the android phone will bring down the price tag of many smart phones. It would be interesting what the other global mobile manufacturing giants have got to offer to keep their market share.
Will it bring out the best of the iPhone and blackberry in the future? Will it bring down the market share of Nokia? We will soon know the answers. The services that Google will offer via mobile internet would be its biggest advantage, Gmail, Google docs, maps, Reader to name a few. With these easily accessible to everyone, the growth of internet in India would hit sky high. Android phones might also become the first time internet use to millions of its future customers.
Will the customer always choose looks of the product over the functionality? Apple’s iPhone is far ahead in the looks department right now compared to G1. When LG and Samsung start to release their own android mobiles it would be tougher competition for Apple. With the likes of Apple store and iTunes threatened, it would be interesting to see the upcoming moves of Apple.
We would soon witness the battle of the mobile giants with Google taking center stage.

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